March 12, 2025

Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO)

MISO: Winter Could Get Tricky Despite Forecast
MISO should have adequate capacity to navigate winter but could still face abnormal weather-related outages or a load-shedding event.
OSW Advocates Look to CREZ, Tehachapi Examples
Can single-state transmission projects like California's Tehachapi and Texas’ CREZ serve as models for offshore wind on the East Coast?
MTEP 20 Passes 1st Board Endorsement
A MISO board committee unanimously voted to send the $4 billion MTEP 2020 to the full board for a vote in December.
Overheard at MISO Market Symposium 2020
MISO officials, stakeholders and academics discussed the challenges of operating a grid with increasing renewables and uncertainty.
MISO Symposium Tackles Data Analytics
Officials from CAISO, NYISO and France's RTE joined MISO on the final day of its Market Symposium to discuss data analytics.
MISO Seeks Rx for Increased Uncertainty
MISO must increase use of demand resources and provide market participants with tools to hedge risks, panelists at a Market Symposium said.
MISO Members Back Voting Rights for New Sector
MISO’s Advisory Committee voted to recommend allowing the RTO’s newly created Affiliate sector voting rights in certain committees.
Missouri PSC Looks at IOUs’ RTO Membership
The Missouri PSC is investigating whether the state’s investor-owned utilities’ continued RTO membership “is in the ratepayers’ best interest.”
DR Firm Challenges FERC, MISO on State Opt-out
Demand response aggregator Voltus filed a complaint with FERC challenging the state opt-out provision in Order 719.
Future of Tx Planning Debated at EBA Conference
TOs, regulators and stakeholders face a massive task in planning for new transmission as they prepare for an influx of renewable resources.

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