MISO-SPP Joint Targeted Interconnection Queue (JTIQ)
MISO and SPP announced completion of their Joint Targeted Interconnection Queue study, though it’s doubtful whether two project proposals will proceed.
MISO stakeholders are voicing frustration over two transmission projects included in both MISO’s long-range planning and its interregional JTIQ study with SPP.
MISO and SPP state regulators plan to involve themselves in the RTOs’ discussions about sharing costs from their joint interconnection queue study.
MISO will have a draft portfolio of billions of dollars’ worth of long-range transmission projects by the end of the month.
SPP is working to strengthen its relationship with public interest organizations in addressing the evolving grid and its continued focus on decarbonization.
MISO and SPP said that they will create a Targeted Market Efficiency Project study process to look for even more interregional project opportunities.
MISO and SPP shared the Joint Targeted Interconnection Queue study's first draft, with seven projects that would resolve several transmission constraints.
MISO is about to propose its 1st cycle of projects under its long-range transmission plan, signaling that a massive multi-state transmission line shows promise.
MISO's Board Week touched on its 2021 Transmission Expansion Plan, long-range transmission portfolio and a joint study with SPP intended to build transmission.
SPP’s Strategic Planning Committee approved a task force’s recommended framework to manage DC tie revenue-requirement recovery in the proposed RTO West.
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