March 10, 2025

National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC)

Trump Nominates Republicans Powelson, Chatterjee to FERC
President Trump reportedly has nominated Rob Powelson and Neil Chatterjee to fill two Republican vacancies on FERC, a step toward restoring a quorum.
Overheard at NARUC Winter Meeting
A record 1,600 people attended the NARUC winter meetings. Exelon's CEO pressed the case for nuclear and uncertainty over the Clean Power Plan remains.
States Want Cyber Best Practices; Santorum Seeks ‘Warriors’
Regulators and officials discussed the importance of cybersecurity and cybersecurity best practices at NARUC's winter meetings.
Bay: Told Trump Team I’d Leave FERC if Demoted
Former FERC Chairman Norman Bay says he told the Trump transition team he would likely leave the commission if he was replaced as chairman.
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No Longer ‘Fringe,’ Storage Earning its Keep, Panel Says
Energy storage is providing benefits to the grid, and rules need to be implemented to ensure it finds its proper place, a panel of experts told NARUC.
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Panelists Weigh Nuclear Waste Solution Post-Obama
A NARUC winter meeting panel discussed the prospects of restarting the canceled Yucca Mountain project and a broader solution to nuclear waste.
House Energy Chair Lays out Agenda in NARUC Address
Rep. Greg Walden told the NARUC winter meeting that the House Energy and Commerce Committee will hew close to traditional party positions.
LaFleur Plans Tech Conference on State Generator Supports
At NARUC's winter meeting, acting FERC Chair LaFleur said the commission will schedule a conference on how markets can accommodate state initiatives.
Commissioners Ask MISO to Share Tx Project Cost Data
At the NARUC winter meeting, OMS members sharply questioned MISO officials over its refusal to share with them raw transmission project cost data.
Sandoval: Nuke Shutdown, Auto-DR Aided Aliso Canyon Response
Actions taken in the wake of the closure of the San Onofre nuclear plant ultimately helped California address the Aliso Canyon shut down.

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