National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC)
The use of hydrogen, both for transportation fuel and blended into natural gas, is a hot topic among engineers and power producers.
California PUC President Alice Reynolds set the tone for the theme of climate resilience at the group's annual meeting with a story about the history of the Salton Sea.
MISO CEO John Bear and PJM CEO Manu Asthana expressed concerns about gas-fired resources retiring prematurely at NARUC's Annual Meeting in California.
FERC Senior Counsel on Environmental Justice and Equity Conrad Bolston explained how the commission has been working to improve its environmental justice efforts in recent years.
The new toolkit helps state energy officials and utility commissions build programs for cybersecurity in distributed solar resources.
NARUC's annual Summer Policy Summit attracted more than 1,000 attendees for discussions on understanding and preparing for the challenges that lie ahead.
The United States Energy Association saw a change of leadership and heard from speakers on the transition to clean energy at its annual meeting.
Clean energy buyers all face a common challenge: figuring out how to keep track of both the clean energy they use and the carbon emissions they cut.
The sixth meeting of the Joint Federal State Task Force on Transmission focused on securing the grid against physical attacks.
The rising profile of nuclear power as one of the critical technologies that will power the U.S. to a carbon-free grid was a major theme at NARUC's conference.
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