January 22, 2025

National Grid

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Northeast States Apply for Federal Money for 2 Tx Projects
The six New England states have submitted two applications for federal funding for transmission projects aimed at improving grid reliability and enabling the interconnection of clean energy resources.
InvictaHOG, Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Everett LNG Contracts Face Skepticism in DPU Proceedings
Proposed supply agreements between Constellation and Massachusetts gas utilities which would keep the Everett Marine Terminal operating through 2030 are facing pushback from environmental organizations and the Attorney General’s Office.
National Grid Backs out of Twin States Clean Energy Link Project

Despite support from the Department of Energy, National Grid has backed out of a major project to significantly increase the two-way transmission capacity between New England and Quebec.

InvictaHOG, Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Constellation Reaches Agreements to Keep Everett LNG Terminal Open
Eversource and National Grid have reached agreements with Constellation to keep the Everett Marine Terminal open for six more years, pending approval from the state.
National Grid
Mass. Gas Working Group Finalizes Recommendations to Legislature
The recommendations for the state's gas pipe replacement program highlight some key areas of contention between the gas utilities, climate organizations and state officials.
Massachusetts Moves to Limit New Gas Infrastructure

Massachusetts has moved to discourage new investment in natural gas infrastructure by blocking utilities from recovering costs unless they can show they first considered non-gas alternatives.

National Grid
DOE Funds Studies of Heavy-duty EV Charging Network Needs

A consortium has begun working to anticipate the charging infrastructure needed in the next 20 years for heavy-duty electric trucks across nine Northeast states.

Mass. Utilities Submit Grid Modernization Drafts
Eversource and National Grid expect their annual peak electricity load in Massachusetts to more than double by 2050.
The National Park Service
Utilities, Generators and Wind Developers Spend Big on Lobbying in Massachusetts
Lobbying data sheds light on the political influence, broad agreements, and simmering tensions that underlie Massachusetts climate and energy policy.
Avangrid, Utilities Reach Deal to Cancel Commonwealth Wind PPAs
Avangrid and three utilities reached $48 million deal to end the PPAs for the Commonwealth Wind project.

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