natural gas pipelines
Electric vehicles are increasing on California highways, but future growth is dependent on solving critical issues, PUC Commissioner Carla Peterman said.
Resilience, pipelines and PURPA topped the discussions at the National Association of Regulatory Commissioners’ (NARUC) winter meetings.
ISO-NE’s 2018 Regional Electricity Outlook reiterates concerns about fuel security that were detailed in a separate report published by the RTO last month.
Generators fared better during the early January cold snap than in the 2014 polar vortex, officials told Congress, but New England needs to take urgent preventative action.
PJM has a lot on its plate for 2018, including an ongoing effort to change its capacity market structure, the DOE NOPR and gas-electric coordination.
FERC Chairman Kevin McIntyre announced that the commission would re-examine its 1999 policy statement on certifying natural gas pipelines.
PJM’s plan to add several gas pipeline emergency procedures to its manuals was derailed by stakeholders.
The loss of three natural gas pipelines is creating major concerns about Southern California’s gas and electricity supplies.
Actor James Cromwell interrupted the FERC meeting Thursday over its approval of a 7.8-mile extension of the Millennium Pipeline through Orange County, N.Y.
Panelists at the New England-Canada Business Council’s 25th annual conference discussed the importance of new transmission and gas pipelines.
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