natural gas pipelines
A MISO plan to share generators’ hourly gas-burn estimates with natural gas pipeline operators needs more explanation before getting federal approval.
Energy industry veterans mused on the state of energy innovation and the future during a panel discussion at the MISO annual stakeholders' meeting
A proposed law giving FERC authority over the licensing of all hydropower projects has advanced to the House Energy and Commerce Committee.
Experts at crawling through the maze of regulations for building pipeline or electric transmission projects talked about their experiences at NECA.
President Trump’s nominees to FERC gave boilerplate answers to senators’ questions on hydroelectric project licensing following their confirmation hearing.
The PJM Grid 20/20 conference on grid reliability and fuel diversity kept finding its way back to the natural gas pipeline system.
Eversource Energy and ISO-NE told the Planning Advisory Committee meeting they support a $7.7 million project to keep the Mount Tom switchyard.
The warmest winter on record, plus increased pipeline capacity, led to record-low natural gas prices, FERC said in its annual State of the Markets Report.
Dissent over natural gas pipelines was on display during a panel on gas-electric coordination at the Energy Bar Association’s annual conference.
Preparing for the loss of its quorum, FERC issued an order delegating additional authority to staff and approved two massive natural gas pipelines.
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