natural gas
CAISO experienced its first “Stage 1” grid emergency in nearly a decade, days after Southern California Gas' warning about Aliso Canyon.
Eversource Energy and ISO-NE told the Planning Advisory Committee meeting they support a $7.7 million project to keep the Mount Tom switchyard.
MISO is preparing nondisclosure agreements and associated Tariff language to share natural gas usage profiles with pipeline operators.
A panel at the EBA Annual Meeting suggests the Trump administration may not succeed in killing EPA’s Clean Power Plan and decarbonization will continue.
PJM can maintain adequate reliability with a generation fleet almost entirely composed of natural gas units, according to a study the RTO released.
Anti-fracking activists say they will oppose any nominations to FERC in order to keep it paralyzed and unable to approve pipeline projects.
FERC issued a final rule revising fines for violations of statutes, rules and orders imposed under the laws including the Federal Power Act.
New England appears poised to withstand another winter of tight natural gas supplies, an RTO official told the ISO-NE Consumer Liaison Group meeting.
FERC approved the CAISO natural gas price index used in response to the closure of the Aliso Canyon storage facility.
RTOs told FERC they are confident they will maintain reliability this winter, citing improvements in gas-electric coordination and monitoring tools.
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