natural gas
Greenidge Generation says it hopes to repower the Finger Lakes plant with natural gas as a merchant plant by the middle of next year.
New York has adequate resources and improved operational practices to face the upcoming winter, a NYISO official told FERC.
ISO-NE will again rely on the winter reliability program it has used for the last two winters, which gives oil generators incentives to secure fuel at the beginning of the winter.
FERC has denied another generator’s request for make-whole payments for natural gas it purchased that was never used during the event, citing rules against retroactive ratemaking.
New England's states may have to set aside their self-interests to overcome high energy prices, Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker said.
EPA's final Clean Power Plan provoked outrage from coal interests, praise from environmentalists and cautious optimism from regulators and grid operators.
EPA's final Clean Power Plan relaxes some controversial proposals while increasing its target for carbon emission reductions.
SPP's Markets & Operations Policy Committee voted to move the deadline for day-ahead market offers up 90 minutes to 9:30 a.m. CT.
FERC rejected a request by a natural gas distributor to relax restrictions on its sharing of non-public information received from electric utilities.
Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey has commissioned a study to assess New England’s natural gas supplies and other energy needs.
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