Neil Chatterjee

9th Circuit Upholds FERC’s Revisions to PURPA Regulations
A federal appeals court rejected a challenge to FERC’s 2020 revisions to how it enforces the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act.
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Former Chairs, Rep. Casten Call for Bolder FERC
FERC has become too politicized and should use its independent authority to move the electricity industry forward, two former commission chairs said.
David Maiolo, CC BY-SA-3.0, via Wikimedia
Republicans Opening Offer on Permitting is Missing Electric Tx
House Republicans are moving the first energy permitting bill through Congress, but it lacks any provisions around electric transmission.
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Will Glick’s Departure Mean More On-time FERC Meetings?
FERC meetings began an average of almost 42 minutes late during Richard Glick’s chairmanship — the longest of the seven commission chairs since 2010.
Report: US Energy Sector Lags on Cyber Preparedness, Response
The clean energy transition in the U.S. is creating a grid that is increasingly distributed and increasingly digital, making it vulnerable to cyberattacks.
Electricity Markets Benefit from Competition, Former Regulators Say
The decades-long move to competitive wholesale and retail electric markets still stirs controversy, but the benefits sway attitudes, former regulators say.
Former Commissioners Preview Year Ahead for FERC
FERC has undertaken an ambitious agenda for this year that will face numerous headwinds from administrative challenges, not least of which remains the pandemic.
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Trump-era FERC Chair Reflects on Tenure
Neil Chatterjee’s 4 years at FERC transformed him from playing a partisan game of thrones to advocating for a carbon price as a way to mitigate climate change.
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Biden to Nominate Phillips to FERC
President Biden intends to nominate D.C. Public Service Commission Chair Willie Phillips to FERC, a move described by observers as "pragmatic."
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GOP Presses Glick on Natural Gas, Climate at FERC Oversight Hearing
FERC Chair Richard Glick bobbed and weaved his way through a House oversight hearing as Republicans attempted to pin him to positions on natural gas.

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