NEPOOL Markets Committee
Analysis Group outlined the methodology of its study of major changes to the structure of ISO-NE’s Forward Capacity Market (FCM) at the NEPOOL Markets Committee meeting.
Some clean energy stakeholders have expressed concerns about the impacts that delaying ISO-NE's FCA 19 would have on new resources looking to secure capacity rights in the auction.
A range of clean energy stakeholders outlined questions and concerns about the potential changes in ISO-NE's FCA 19.
ISO-NE presented stakeholders the pros and cons of moving to a prompt and seasonal capacity market.
NEPOOL's Markets Committee approved changes to the Inventoried Energy Program intended to get the winter reliability program in line with global energy markets.
ISO-NE is narrowing down its options as it moves forward with revamping its process for resource capacity accreditation.
NRDC argued that ISO-NE’s preferred method of measuring marginal reliability impact risks under-valuing some components of clean energy resources.
ISO-NE is leaning toward a marginal approach to resource capacity accreditation, but there's a year of stakeholder discussions ahead.
ISO-NE is proposing a merger of two of its stakeholder working groups into the Emerging Technologies Working Group.
The NEPOOL Markets Committee considered changes to ISO-NE's retirement and financial assurance rules.
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