NEPOOL Markets Committee
ISO-NE’s wholesale market costs last fall declined 38% year over year to $1.5 billion, with both energy and capacity market costs decreasing significantly.
ISO-NE’s Energy Security Improvements initiative hit a snag when the NEPOOL Markets Committee failed to recommend it to the Participants Committee.
ISO-NE is wrapping up its Energy Security Improvements initiative ahead of a FERC deadline, stakeholders learned during a NEPOOL Markets Committee meeting.
ISO-NE intends to design a forward ancillary services market to complement the day-ahead one proposed under its ESI initiative.
ISO-NE’s External Market Monitor presented the NEPOOL Markets Committee a design for mitigating market power in the day-ahead ancillary services market.
ISO-NE’s Energy Security Improvements proposal neared the end as study refinements showed a reduction in customer payments compared to preliminary results.
ISO-NE asked FERC to approve a Tariff waiver that would let market participants to adjust or withdraw their retirement or permanent delist bids for FCA 15.
The New England Power Pool Markets Committee continued its crammed schedule to complete ISO-NE's Energy Security Improvements proposal.
The New England Power Pool Markets Committee continued to work on ISO-NE’s proposed Energy Security Improvements proposal.
The New England Power Pool Markets Committee discussed ISO-NE’s Energy Security Improvements proposal, with a focus on day-ahead ancillary services.
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