February 23, 2025

network resource interconnection service (NRIS)

FERC: No Merit in MISO Deliverability Complaint
FERC rejected Coalition of Midwest Power Producers' complaint that MISO is improperly accounting for the deliverability of some capacity resources.
Trade Group Lodges Complaint over MISO Capacity Rules
The Coalition of Midwest Power Producers filed a complaint with FERC alleging MISO is improperly accounting for the deliverability of capacity resources.
MISO Monitor Reiterates Call for Capacity Deliverability
MISO’s IMM urged the RTO to require that planning resources have firm transmission to ensure they can deliver their full installed capacity.
FERC Rejects MISO Network Resource Process Streamlining
FERC on Tuesday rejected a MISO proposal to streamline the RTO’s process to define and qualify its network resources, saying the changes would cause Tariff discrepancies.
MISO Eyes Small Queue Changes, Merchant DC Interconnections
MISO will submit two filings with FERC to further refine its new generation interconnection process, while a third will facilitate HVDC interconnection.
FERC Sides with Developer in NYISO Dispute
FERC sided with a Long Island power plant developer in its dispute with NYISO over interconnection standards the ISO sought to apply to the company’s proposed facility.
MISO: Complaint Mischaracterizes M2 Payment
MISO told FERC that a group of wind generators alleging special treatment for external generators misunderstands the purpose of the M2 milestone payment in the RTO’s interconnection process.
MISO Beats Challenge on Wind Exports
Just two days after FERC rejected allegations that MISO was blocking a wind farm from exporting power to PJM, the RTO was hit with a new complaint accusing it of giving special treatment to external generators seeking to deliver power into the Midwest.
Interconnection Deposit Proposal Tabled
The MISO PAC deferred for a future meeting a vote on Wind on the Wires’ request to require external generators seeking network resource interconnection service to pay the dollars-per-megawatt portion of M2 milestone costs.
Acciona: MISO Blocking Access to PJM
Acciona Wind Energy is accusing MISO of blocking it from selling power into PJM by improperly interpreting a process designed to streamline energy exports.

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