October 7, 2024

New England Power Pool (NEPOOL)

© RTO Insider
New England Senators Urge FERC to End Press Ban
Six New England senators urged FERC Tuesday to end the New England Power Pool (NEPOOL) ban on public and press attendance at stakeholder meetings.
(c) Day Pitney
NEPOOL: FERC Can’t Change Press, Public Ban
FERC can’t overturn the New England Power Pool’s longstanding ban on public and press access to stakeholder meetings, NEPOOL told the commission.
NEPOOL Alone in Support for Press, Public Ban
The New England Power Pool’s proposal to codify its ban on press was attacked by consumer advocates, environmental groups and press advocates.
Wood, Brownell: Unaware of Press Ban When OK’d NEPOOL
The FERC commissioners who approved NEPOOL as ISO-NE’s stakeholder body in 2004 were unaware at the time that it barred the press from its meetings.
RTO Insider Seeks Repeal of NEPOOL Press Ban
RTO Insider filed a complaint asking FERC to overturn the New England Power Pool’s ban on press coverage of its meetings.
NEPOOL Debates Fuel Security, Cost Allocation
The New England Power Pool (NEPOOL) Markets Committee debated ISO-NE’s proposals for conducting fuel security reliability reviews.
NEPOOL Files Press Ban with FERC
The New England Power Pool (NEPOOL) filed a proposal with FERC Monday to codify its unwritten ban on press attendance at stakeholder meetings.
NEPOOL Votes for Press Ban, Discusses Fuel Security
The NEPOOL Participants Committee voted to change its bylaws to formalize the policy of banning the press from attending its meetings.
Mystic Waiver Request Spurs Strong Opposition
Comments filed with FERC indicate most stakeholders oppose ISO-NE’s Tariff waiver request to keep Exelon's Mystic generating station running.
ISO-NE Moves to Keep Exelon’s Mystic Running
Citing reliability concerns, ISO-NE will ask FERC for a Tariff waiver to allow Exelon's 1,998-MW Mystic Generating Station to continue running.

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