October 7, 2024

New England Power Pool (NEPOOL)

CASPR Filing Draws Stakeholder Support, Protests
Stakeholders have responded to ISO-NE’s filing of a proposed two-stage capacity auction with a flurry of comments to FERC.
ISO-NE Seeks Path to Mass. GHG Cost Recovery
Massachusetts generators are worried they won’t be able recover the costs of purchasing additional greenhouse gas allowances under new, stricter limits.
ISO-NE Seeks Lower Cutoff for Market Power Reviews
Bidders in the ISO-NE capacity auctions would face a lower price threshold for triggering market power reviews under a Tariff revision filed by the RTO.
ISO-NE Effort to Accommodate States Leaves them Alienated
New England state regulators ended up split over the ISO-NE CASPR proposal — yet seemingly united in their dismay over the RTO’s stakeholder process.
ISO-NE Files CASPR Proposal
ISO-NE asked for FERC approval of its two-stage capacity auction following months of negotiations that left the RTO’s stakeholders split.
New England Strives for CASPR Consensus
ISO New England (ISO-NE) stakeholders are trying to reach agreement on CASPR, a two-tier market construct to integrate state-sponsored renewables.
Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority
NARUC Head Seeks Open NEPOOL; Water-Energy Focus
NARUC President John W. “Jack” Betkoski III called for more transparency at the NEPOOL and said he plans to focus his tenure on the “water-energy nexus.”
NEPOOL Markets Committee Briefs
ISO-NE advanced the idea of excluding competitive new resources from functioning as demand in a proposed “substitution” capacity auction.
NEPOOL Reliability, Tx Committee Briefs
ISO-NE presented guidance for distribution-connected generation to the NEPOOL Reliability/Transmission Committee.
NEPOOL Participants Committee Briefs: June 2017
ISO-NE presented its monthly operations report to the New England Power Pool (NEPOOL) Participants Committee's at their summer meeting.

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