New England States Committee on Electricity (NESCOE)
ISO-NE presented its proposal for a two-tiered capacity auction that would incorporate state-mandated renewable generation at the FERC technical conference.
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected challenges to FERC Order 1000 by New England Transmission Owners and state officials.
New England states will not have enough renewable resources to meet the 2025 and 2030 targets in current renewable portfolio standards.
New England’s needs for energy infrastructure moved to ISO-NE as stakeholders began discussing the potential for major projects under FERC Order 1000.
ISO-NE is seeking stakeholder comments on statutes and regulations that could require new transmission under the public policy conditions of FERC Order 1000.
A summary of issues discussed by the ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee on Dec. 14, 2015, including the benfits of wind power.
Generators are protesting the way in which ISO-NE is calculating its installed capacity requirement for its 10th Forward Capacity Auction.
Three New England states are combining their buying power to purchase clean energy resources and transmission to deliver it.
FERC rejected a challenge by NESCOE to recalculate the contributions of DR and distributed resources in advance of ISO-NE FCA 9.
ISO-NE has underestimated the impact of distributed generation and its pay-for-performance (PFP) program on the upcoming FCA 9, state officials told FERC.
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