September 28, 2024

New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJ BPU)

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PJM PC/TEAC Briefs: June 4, 2024
PJM stakeholders received updates on the RTO's plan for long-range transmission planning and utilities' supplemental projects to deal with growing data center load.
NJ Master Plan Speakers Seek Sweeping Electrification Plan
Clean energy supporters argue the next New Jersey energy master plan should be an aggressive and broad embrace of electrification and generate enough money to help pay for clean energy projects and protect ratepayers.
NJ Accelerates OSW Plans Again
New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy has directed the state Board of Public Utilities to advance the opening of its fifth offshore wind solicitation by 15 months.
BOEM FEIS Cites ‘Major’ Impact from NJ OSW Project
The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management released its final environmental impact statement that concludes that New Jersey’s foremost offshore wind project, Atlantic Shores, would have a “major” impact on commercial and for-hire recreational fishing, the view from the shore and on-ship traffic. 
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
NJ Wrestles with Clean Energy Priorities
Speakers told the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities to emphasize cutting emissions from heavy- and medium-duty trucks and tackle methane emissions in the state's next Energy Master Plan.
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NJ Enacts New Construction Electrification Incentives
New Jersey has enacted a package of new construction incentives worth up to $5.25 per square foot for new residential and nonresidential construction.
Peretz Partensky, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
PSEG Sees New Market for Nuclear in AI, Data Centers
PSEG is looking to use excess capacity at its three South Jersey nuclear generators to provide clean energy for data centers and AI development projects, CEO Ralph LaRossa said in the company’s first-quarter earnings call.
New Jersey Opens 4th Offshore Wind Solicitation
The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities has opened its fourth offshore wind solicitation with a planned capacity of up to 4 GW.
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Forum: Innovation Key to Advance NJ Offshore Wind
Innovation and in-state project development will be key to New Jersey’s offshore wind future as the state advances its initiative to create an offshore power center that can connect to homes and businesses onshore, according to speakers at the Wind Institute Research Symposium.
Bureau of Land Management
New Jersey BPU Picks 8 Grid-scale Solar Projects Totaling 310 MW
The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities approved eight solar projects in its second solicitation for grid-scale projects, nine months after declining to support any bids in the first solicitation due to cost. 

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