September 29, 2024

New York Department of Public Service (NY DPS)

NY Greenlights 100-MW High Bridge Wind Farm
A local opposition group is considering filing a rehearing request or lawsuit following the approval of the 100-MW High Bridge wind farm in Guilford, N.Y.
Cut Peakers, Boost Storage, NY Climate Council Hears
Residents speaking to New York’s Climate Action Council urged haste in stopping construction of new gas-fired power plants and closing old peaker plants.
NY Panel Examines Vehicle Electrification, Cleaner Fuels
Electrification of transportation carries long timelines, prompting N.Y. officials to look for new strategies to achieve emissions reductions
New York Ponders Planning an Offshore Grid
A new study estimates New York would save $500 million through a planned transmission strategy for its next 7,200 MW of offshore wind.
NYISO Plan Revises Treatment of Carbon-Free Resources
NYISO said it would revise its carbon pricing proposal to enhance the bidding treatment for carbon-free resources and help prevent carbon leakage.
NY Task Force Talks LBMPc, Residuals, Hedge Effects
NYISO floated a plan to calculate the carbon pricing impact on locational-based marginal prices (LBMPc) using the social cost of carbon.
NY Ready for ‘Average’ Winter; Burman Worried
The New York DPS assured the PSC that utilities are prepared for the upcoming winter and that customers’ bills will be on par with last year’s.
NY Dept. of Public Service
NY Looks at Social Cost of Carbon, Modeling
To model the impacts of carbon pricing on dispatch, resource costs and emissions in its wholesale electricity market, New York would do well to start by estimating a social cost of carbon (SCC), experts told a state task force Monday.
NY Sets 40% Hike in EE Goal
The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) published a white paper Thursday outlining plans to accelerate the state’s energy efficiency (EE) goal by 40%.
NYPSC OKs Con Ed EV Charging Program, REV Initiatives
The New York Public Service Commission approved a seven-year tariff for the Consolidated Edison (Con Ed) electric vehicle (EV) quick-charging station program and other REV initiatives.

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