September 29, 2024

New York Department of Public Service (NY DPS)

UPDATED: NY Task Force Briefed on Carbon Charge Mechanics
At this week's meeting of the IPPTF, NYISO presented two options for pricing carbon emissions in its markets, saying neither would require changes to its software or the frequency of settlements.
Brattle Group
NY Carbon Task Force Discusses Seams, ‘Leakage’
The New York Integrating Public Policy Task Force tackled the complex issue of avoiding the pitfall of “carbon leakage.”
Emissions and Dispatch Top Talk at NY Task Force
New York stakeholders on Monday wrestled with the complex issue of how to evaluate the impact of a carbon charge on the dispatch of energy resources - especially in neighboring regions.
UK Dept. for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy
NY Task Force Takes on Carbon Pricing Mechanics
How should New York set carbon prices - and who should be tasked with doing it? Those are questions the state's Integrating Public Policy Task Force have begun to tackle in its effort to integrate carbon pricing into NYISO's market.
Constitution Asks FERC to Rehear New York Permit Denial
Constitution Pipeline asked FERC to reconsider a January order upholding a denial of the company’s water permit application by New York environmental regulators, saying the commission “erred” in its interpretation of the federal Clean Water Act.
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New York Stakeholders Question Carbon Pricing Process
Stakeholders told New York and NYISO officials they are concerned about the transparency and aim of the process being laid out to integrate carbon pricing.
NYISO Study Sees Little Cost Impact from Carbon Charge
A $40/ton carbon emissions charge in NY state would have “a relatively small impact” on customer costs, according to an analysis released by NYISO.
Comprehensive DER Oversight Best, NYDPS Hears
Industry stakeholders gave advice on distributed energy resource (DER) oversight to staff of the New York State Department of Public Service.

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