New York Independent System Operator (NYISO)

Imports, Not DR, Caused Heat Wave Price Crash
Unexpected imports from New York — not the mobilization of demand response — caused the heat wave price crash July 18 after spiking to $465/MWh amid the hottest day of the summer.
PJM, NYISO Tout New Option to Improve Power Scheduling
PJM members will be asked tomorrow to approve a new power scheduling option for transactions into the New York ISO to reduce uneconomic power flows.
NYISO Scheduling Proposal Faces Questions
PJM said it plans to seek an MIC endorsement in August of the Coordinated Transaction Scheduling (CTS) proposal, designed to improve interchange scheduling efficiency between NYISO and PJM.
Reliability Projects in 2013 RTEP Likely to Exceed $1B
PJM transmission planners identified more than $800 million in reliability upgrades for inclusion in the PJM RTEP for 2013. Costs may exceed $1 billion.
PJM Keynotes: Humility, Efficiency Needed for Fracking’s Future
Natural gas’ growing role in electric generation was a recurrent theme at PJM’s annual meeting. Keynote speakers included Michael Levi and Steven Mueller.
Task Force to Study Gas-Electric Coordination
The Markets and Reliability Committee approved the creation of a task force to study potential reliability problems resulting from PJM’s increasing reliabili...

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