March 10, 2025

New York Independent System Operator (NYISO)

NYISO Operating Committee Briefs: Sept. 15, 2023

The NYISO Operating Committee approved three studies aimed at helping the ISO alleviate congestion on its grid.

NYISO Business Issues Committee Briefs: Sept. 14, 2023
NYISO secured Business Issues Committee approval of the ISO’s proposal to create separate capacity demand curves for summer and winter beginning with the 2025/2026 capability year.
D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals
NYPSC Continues Legal Battle Over NYISO’s 17-year Amortization
The NYPSC has filed a third petition seeking federal judicial review of FERC orders related to NYISO's proposed 17-year amortization period for its demand curves in capacity market auctions.
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NY State Reliability Council Executive Committee Briefs: Sept. 8, 2023
NYSRC's Executive Committee approved the preliminary base case for the upcoming capability year and new emergency operating procedures aimed at enhancing grid reliability.
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Clean Energy Groups Protest NYISO DER Proposal
Advocates filed a protest with FERC arguing that NYISO’s proposal to facilitate market participation of DER aggregations discriminates against smaller aggregations
NYISO to Ask FERC for Order 2023 Compliance Extension
NYISO said it plans to file a motion with FERC for an extension on the compliance deadline for Order 2023, according to a presentation given to stakeholders.
NYISO Proposes $41.62M Project Budget for 2024
NYISO at the BPWG on Wednesday released its final proposed budget for projects prioritized for next year, which increased more than 30% from last year and totaled $41.62 million.
NYSERDA Backs Inflation Adjustments for Renewable Projects
The lead agency in New York’s clean energy transition has come out in favor of inflation adjustments for renewable projects under contract but not yet under construction.
Cypress Creek Renewables
NYISO Cautions FERC on Solar Dev’s Request for More Time in Queue
NYISO submitted a motion to intervene on Oxbow Hill Solar’s request to FERC for a waiver concerning interconnection procedures, saying the request could have implications for the broader market.
NYISO Previews New York City Transmission Needs Assessment
NYISO delved into a plethora of upcoming projects, including the New York City public policy transmission need assessment and what the preliminary rules and assumptions will be.

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