March 12, 2025

New York Independent System Operator (NYISO)

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OSW Developers Look to Europe on Meshed HVDC Tx
U.S. OSW developers must follow Europe’s example and build out meshed HVDC systems, experts told the International Partnering Forum.
Siena College
NYISO Receives ‘Exceptional’ Customer Survey Scores
NYSO won "exceptional" grades from its customers in 2022, Siena College Research Institute told the Management Committee.
Claus Ableiter, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
New York Considering Standards for IBRs
The New York State Reliability Council has approved a uniform set of requirements for inverter-based resources over 20 MW to connect to the NYISO grid.
NYISO Battered but not Bruised this Winter
December’s winter storm and early February’s cold snap challenged the New York grid, but they did not cause any emergencies, NYISO told the Operating Committee.
NYISO Begins 2023 Class Year with Nearly 100 Projects
NYISO on Tuesday formally announced that the 2023 Class Year study was launched with between 80 and 90 projects participating.
NYISO Previews Capacity Accreditation Modeling Work
NYISO briefed the Installed Capacity/Market Issues Working Group on its efforts to improve capacity accreditation.
NY Transco
NY Regulators Get Comments on How to Speed up Tx Construction
NYPSC won praise for its implementation of a law to speed up transmission development, but parties said much work remains in order to meet clean energy goals.
NYISO CEO Delivers ‘State of the Grid’ to Management Committee
CEO Rich Dewey said NYISO is focused on transitioning the state’s grid from high-polluting resources to renewables without compromising reliability.
New York state Public Service Commission
NY PSC Approves 62 Tx Upgrades Totaling 3.5 GW
The New York Public Service Commission approved 62 transmission upgrades with a combined capacity of 3.5 GW and an estimated cost of $4.4 billion.
Cummins Inc.
NYISO Promises to Lower DER Minimum Capability in Future
NYISO's BIC voted to recommend that the Management Committee approve tariff revisions to its participation model for distributed energy resource aggregations.

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