New York Independent System Operator (NYISO)
NYISO on Monday updated the Operating Committee on January operations performance and how the early-February cold snap event impacted the grid.
NYISO announced that Nicole Bouchez had begun working in her new position as senior principal economist and consumer interest liaison for market structures.
FERC granted waivers to 8 renewable projects, allowing them more time to have their interconnection studies approved by NYISO before entering the CY23 study.
NYISO gave the Installed Capacity and Market Issues Working Groups further revisions to its proposed rules for distributed energy resource aggregations.
NYISO rebuked NextEra Energy for attempting to lobby the grid operator to award it transmission projects to connect offshore wind projects to Long Island.
The MC approved NYISO’s proposed tariff revisions related to the expiration and transfer of capacity resource interconnection service.
What the RTOs told FERC about how they are working to ensure reliability despite a changing generation mix — and what the commenters think of their plans.
NYISO updated the OC on the December snowstorm's impact on grid operations, highlighting a sharp shortfall in scheduled generation on Christmas Eve.
Roger Clayton of the NYSRC told stakeholders that the council is developing interconnection reliability rules for inverter-based resources.
NYISO presented its anticipated schedules for its Installed Capacity market, energy market and new resource integration projects for this year.
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