March 15, 2025

New York Independent System Operator (NYISO)

NYISO Business Issues Committee Briefs: April 11, 2022
The NYISO BIC approved manual updates required to share Generator Fuel and Emissions Reporting results with all New York transmission operators.
NYISO Management Committee Briefs: March 30, 2022
NYISO expects by next winter to meet the recommendations made in the joint FERC-NERC report on the February 2021 winter storm in the Midwest and Texas.
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FERC Conditionally Accepts Rockland Electric’s ROE Adder in PJM
FERC conditionally accepted Rockland's proposed return on equity and transmission revenue requirement, subjecting both to further hearing.
PJM MRC/MC Briefs: March 23, 2022
PJM detailed a proposal to update the process timing for generation deactivations at the Markets and Reliability Committee meeting.
FERC Upholds Denial of NYTOs’ Cost Allocation Complaint
FERC upheld its denial of New York transmission owners’ complaint that NYISO’s funding mechanism for transmission upgrades is unjust and unreasonable.
NYISO Files BSM Compliance, Extension Request
NYISO submitted a compliance filing to establish a proposed date for enhancements to its BSM rules and requested an extension to submit tariff changes.
NYISO Business Issues Committee Briefs: March 16, 2022
The NYISO BIC heard the ISO's monthly operations report and recommended tariff revisions updating bid production cost guarantee payment provisions.
New York Open Data
FERC Approves ROFR for NY Transmission Upgrades
FERC ruled that New York TOs can exercise a right of first refusal for transmission upgrades without being bound by other developers’ cost caps.
Renewables Highlight 2021 PJM RTEP Report
PJM saw interconnection requests for solar more than triple since 2019, comprising more than half the interconnection queue, according to the 2021 RTEP report.
NYISO Launches 2022 Grid Planning Study
NYISO presented stakeholders with a plan to clarify by year-end what increasing amounts of renewable energy mean for the grid over the next decades.

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