March 15, 2025

New York Independent System Operator (NYISO)

U.S. Energy Imformation Administration
GSA, DOD Gear up to Meet Biden’s 100% Clean Energy Goal
The U.S. government issued a request for information in its first step toward ensuring all its power consumption will be from carbon-free resources by 2030.
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ERCOT’s Jones Works to Regain Texans’ Trust
ERCOT CEO Brad Jones said regaining Texans' trust in the grid will take more than meeting demand during one winter storm.
NY Officials, Stakeholders Discuss Utilities’ Tx Planning Process Proposal
New York utilities recommended a coordinated grid planning process with a revised benefit-cost analysis method and a new advisory council to manage the effort.
NYISO Management Committee Briefs: Jan. 26, 2022
NYISO's annual sectoral meetings have been pushed back to mid-April to allow them to proceed in person as much as possible, CEO Rich Dewey told the MC.
NYISO Tweaks 2023 Project Prioritization Process
NYISO recommended ways to incorporate stakeholder feedback into its annual prioritization of internal projects and initiatives that will begin next month.
Con Ed: 2021 DR Programs Rise in MW Value, Enrollment
Con Ed reported to the New York PSC that its demand response programs increased slightly in megawatt value last year but dramatically in enrollment.
New York TOs Defend New Public Policy Tx Category
New York transmission owners urged the PSC to reject a challenge to its new category for projects intended to help the state meet its climate goals.
New York Issues 10 GW Solar Roadmap for 2030
New York officials on Friday announced the release of a roadmap outlining expanded programs to achieve 10 GW of distributed solar in the state by 2030.
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Jones Working to Restore Confidence in ERCOT
Interim CEO Brad Jones is working hard to restore confidence in ERCOT following February's winter storm with a cross-state listening tour.
Canadian Coast Guard
NYISO ICAP/MIWG Briefs: Dec. 14, 2021
The ICAP/MIWG discussed rising energy prices, Order 2222 compliance, dynamically scheduling reserves and keeping critical infrastructure out of DR programs.

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