March 16, 2025

New York Independent System Operator (NYISO)

NYISO Stakeholders Discuss Resource Adequacy, Capacity Rules
Stakeholders discussed methodology behind NYISO's straw proposal on capacity accreditation as the grid and energy market adapt to a diverse resource mix.
Potomac Economics
NYISO Q2 Energy Prices Rise on Higher Gas Prices, Load
The NYISO Market Monitor reported energy markets performed competitively in the second quarter of 2021, with all-in prices ranging from $21 to $67/MWh.
NYISO Management Committee Briefs: Aug. 25, 2021
NYISO is asking all employees and visitors to demonstrate proof of vaccination against COVID-19 in order to enter its headquarters.
NY Generators Seek State Incentives for New Clean Energy Resources
IPPNY petitioned the NYPSC to define and incent at least 1 GW of zero-emitting, dispatchable energy resources to help meet the state’s goal of net-zero electricity by 2040.
NY Regulators Drop a Climate Hammer in Gas Rate Case
New York approved a three-year rate plan for National Grid’s downstate gas companies with provisions for electrification to reduce natural gas demand.
Stakeholders Endorse but Question PJM’s Load Model
PJM stakeholders unanimously endorsed the 2021 reserve requirement study but requested more modeling on the impacts of extreme weather conditions.
NYISO Stakeholders OK Tariff Changes for Right of First Refusal
The NYISO BIC approved tariff revisions allowing transmission owners to exercise a ROFR over upgrades to their facilities in the public policy need process.
Analysis Group
NYISO Unveils Draft BSM Study
NYISO unveiled a draft study plan to model possible capacity market outcomes resulting from revisions to the ISO's buyer-side mitigation rules.
NYISO Proposes Changes to CRIS
NYISO proposed changes to three concepts of capacity resource interconnection service.
Con Edison
NYISO Management Committee Briefs: July 28, 2021
NYISO Management Committee approved a tariff update to allow municipal electric utilities to provide metering and meter data services for demand side resources.

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