New York Independent System Operator (NYISO)

NECA Panel Discusses DERs, Impact of Order 2222
Attendees of a NECA webinar discussed concerns about and the impact of FERC Order 2222, as well as other potential roadblocks to DERs’ extensive deployment.
New York PSC OKs Utility Storage Deployment, Cost Recovery
The New York PSC approved filings by the state's utilities implementing cost recovery and sharing plans with ratepayers for storage resources.
NY Grid Study Pushes Meshed OSW Transmission, Coordination
New York state energy agencies released a study urging faster permitting, planning and approval processes to build transmission to accommodate renewables.
FERC Ends Trump Era with a Busy Agenda
FERC spent its last open meeting during President Trump’s tenure welcoming a new member and rejecting proposed orders by outgoing Chairman James Danly.
NYISO Business Issues Committee Briefs: Jan. 13, 2021
The NYISO Business Issues Committee OK'd meter-related manual revisions and discussed updates to the 2019 CARIS database.
NYISO Explores Improving BSM Processes
NYISO is proposing to update its buyer-side mitigation processes to keep up with the number of new resources that will potentially be subject to the rules.
NY Awards 2.5-GW Offshore Deal to Equinor
New York announced that it is awarding 2,490 MW in offshore wind contracts to Equinor Wind US, the largest such procurement ever in the U.S.
Cuomo Outlines Green Path for New York in 2021
Gov. Andrew Cuomo presented an overview of government priorities in his State of the State address, ranking the transition to a green economy number five.
NYISO Appeals FERC Rejection of BSM Proposal
NYISO petitioned the D.C. Circuit to review FERC’s rejection of the ISO’s proposal to exempt public policy resources from its buyer-side mitigation rules.
NY Panel Rethinks Wastewater, Renewable Gas
New York officials and industry experts discussed the repurposing of wastewater treatment as a way to recover water resources and harvest renewable gases.

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