New York Independent System Operator (NYISO)
East Coast state officials with offshore wind goals said they are trying to balance the urgency of projects with the potential economies.
NYISO is nearing a vote on market participation rules for hybrid storage and generation resources, with plans to submit the proposal in 2021.
NYISO continues to advance its Grid in Transition agenda, moving ahead with some energy and ancillary services projects while suspending or combining others.
NYISO told stakeholders that it supports most of its consultants’ proposed parameters and assumptions for the quadrennial demand curve reset.
NY-BEST held its conference as Tropical Storm Isaias battered New York City, discussing New York's storage deployment goals and developments.
FERC accepted NYISO’s second attempt to comply with Order 841, which requires RTOs and ISOs to remove market barriers for energy storage resources.
NYISO said the grid operated satisfactorily through three heat waves without Indian Point Two, the Somerset coal station and the Cayuga generating facility.
A discussion on natural gas’ role in a clean-energy grid during NARUC's Summer Policy Summit revealed a divide between ISOs and RTOs.
FERC approved NYISO’s revised buyer-side market power mitigation rules, prompting a scathing dissent from Commissioner Richard Glick.
NYISO stakeholders delayed a vote on the ISO’s proposal to procure up to 500 MW of additional reserves for Southeast New York pending another cost analysis.
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