New York Independent System Operator (NYISO)
NYISO energy prices sank to 11-year lows during the first quarter, ranging from $15 to $35/MWh, according to the MMU’s State of the Market report.
NYISO will need to expand its bulk transmission and some low-voltage lines to meet New York’s 2030 climate goals, according to the ISO's latest CARIS.
Meeting New York’s ambitious goal of reaching 100% emissions-free electricity will require an “astonishing” 80 GW of new generation by 2040.
NYISO’s Management Committee voted to revise the ISO’s Tariff to address a concern regarding peak load forecasts and minimum unforced capacity requirements.
The New York ISO (NYISO) annual Power Trends report focuses on how the grid is being shaped by public policy – and the COVID-19 pandemic.
FERC on Monday granted NYISO eight extra months to fix a “misalignment” between its market software and its Tariff rules.
FERC has authorized the owners of the 1,000-MW Champlain Hudson Power Express project to charge negotiated transmission rates to carry Canadian hydropower to New York City.
AEE presented a paper recommending that ISO-NE and NEPOOL consider borrowing from NYISO’s effort to plan for a renewable-heavy future.
Potomac Economics’ 2019 State of the Market Report for NYISO adds five recommendations while concluding the ISO’s markets “performed competitively” in 2019.
NYISO has suspended the sequestration of its control room operators as New York begins its recovery from the coronavirus pandemic.
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