March 10, 2025

New York Independent System Operator (NYISO)

In Northeast, Fleet Turnover to Natural Gas is Unabated
The dash for gas shows no sign of abating, speakers said at the Energy Bar Association (EBA) Northeast Chapter’s 2016 Annual Meeting.
New York Transmission Developers Ask FERC to Order a Do-over
Competitive transmission developers are asking FERC  to order NYISO to issue a new request for proposals for transmission upgrades.
Study: NY Could Manage Sharp Solar Growth by 2030
New York could accommodate up to 4,500 MW of wind and 9,000 MW of solar power capacity by 2030, according to a NYISO study.
New York Debates PPAs or RECs for Clean Energy
The New York Public Service Commission held a technical conference to discuss the state’s proposed Clean Energy Standard.
Constitution Asks FERC to Dismiss New York Complaint
Constitution Pipeline denied allegations made by the New York attorney general  that it encouraged illegal tree cutting by landowners in defiance of a FERC prohibition.
NYISO Identifies 10 Public Policy Tx Projects
NYISO has identified 10 proposed transmission projects as finalists to relieve congestion in western New York.
SPP Squelching MMU Independence, Former Monitors Say
SPP has interfered with the autonomy of its internal MMU, according to two former monitors who say they were fired for voicing their concerns.
NYISO Monitor: Modify Capacity Export Planning
NYISO’s Market Monitoring Unit is recommending changes to the capacity market and planning processes in import-constrained zones.
FERC Approves NYISO Behind-the-Meter Rules
FERC  accepted NYISO’s proposed Tariff revisions allowing large behind-the-meter resources to participate in the ISO’s  markets.
Stakeholders Debate New York Clean Energy Standard
The proposed New York Clean Energy Standard was the main topic of discussion at the Independent Power Producers of New York’s annual spring conference.

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