New York Independent System Operator (NYISO)
The New York PSC asked NYISO to perform reliability studies in western New York after NRG Energy announced it was retiring one coal plant and suspending plans to convert another to natural gas.
The New England states, along with New York, are generally well ahead of the targets set in the Clean Power Plan.
The NYPSC approved a temporary surcharge while a final agreement to keep the R.E. Ginna nuclear plant operating is hammered out.
NYISO told FERC it does not plan to make any changes in its day-ahead schedule to comply with FERC Order 809, which adjusted the gas market schedule.
The NYPSC has come out against the New York Power Authority’s request for a nearly 10% increase in its transmission rates.
Talen Energy announced its first post-spinoff acquisition that expands the company’s presence in ISO-NE and marks its entry into NYISO.
The NYPSC had argued that it had sole jurisdiction over the rates and terms of an RSSA it had ordered between Exelon’s troubled R.E. Ginna nuclear plant and Rochester Gas & Electric.
MISO will propose closing the day-ahead market one hour earlier during Daylight Savings Time in response to FERC's final rule on gas and electric schedules.
FERC accepted NYISO’s new method for calculating payments for voltage support services, which will keep the overall expenditure constant in the near term.
NYISO and SPP told FERC last week it should reject transmission developers’ protests to their recent Order 1000 compliance filings.
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