New York Independent System Operator (NYISO)

Distributed Energy Curbing NY Power Demand
A new report by NYISO says energy efficiency and distributed energy resources will cut peak demand growth on New York’s bulk power system by more than 2,700 MW in 2025.
Tx Developers Challenge NYISO, SPP, ISO-NE Order 1000 Filings
Transmission developer LS Power is protesting Order 1000 compliance filings by NYISO, SPP and ISO-NE, saying they still favor regulated incumbents over independent developers.
NYISO: Reliability Concerns Raised Last Year Resolved
Returning and repowered generation resources and newly announced transmission upgrades appear to have alleviated NYISO's concerns about system reliability over the next 10 years.
PJM Ponders Changes to Virtual Trades, DA Market
PJM and the Monitor are considering the changes to reduce uplift and gaming opportunities and allow quicker solving of the day-ahead energy market.
FERC Accepts Interregional Cost Allocation Plan for ISO-NE, NYISO, PJM
FERC completed its initial review of all interregional transmission planning compliance filings required under Order 1000 on Thursday.
FERC, NERC: Reserve Margins OK for Summer
FERC said it expects sufficient resources to meet peak electric demand this summer despite coal-fired retirements, while NERC approved its summer reliability assessment.
Former Soviet Spy Worked Undetected at NYISO, ConEd, NRG
A former Soviet spy who lived in the U.S. for more than 35 years under an assumed identity has been working since 2011 for NYISO.
Former FERC Regulators Lament Unfinished Business
Former FERC regulators who were in the middle of many of the electric industry’s watershed events of the past two decades reminisced — and expressed regrets for paths not chosen.
FERC: Idled NY Plants Can Lose Interconnection Rights
NYISO can force idled generators to allow use of their interconnections for reliability purposes, FERC ruled last week, saying that such actions do not constitute an unconstitutional “taking” under the Fifth Amendment.
PJM Considering Change to Day-Ahead Deadlines in Response to FERC Gas Schedule Order
PJM is considering changing its day-ahead market schedule in response to FERC's April 16 ruling revising the interstate gas nomination timeline.

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