NV Energy
The western Energy Imbalance Market continued to boost demand for California’s surplus renewable generation last quarter.
Berkshire Hathaway Energy is contesting FERC’s June decision to revoke the ability of the company’s subsidiaries to sell power at market-based rates.
FERC rejected the CAISO proposal to prohibit EIM participants from implementing economic bidding at the market’s external interties.
CAISO's Department of Market Monitoring reported that solar power surpassed wind in 2015, becoming the largest source of renewable generation.
FERC revoked authorization for Berkshire Hathaway Energy subsidiaries to sell wholesale power at market-based rates in four balancing authority areas.
FERC upheld a decision that prohibits two companies’ generating units from offering energy into the Western EIM at prices above default energy bids.
The expanded western EIM provided California a new outlet for surplus renewables, according to CAISO.
Idaho Power signed an agreement with CAISO to become the sixth utility to join the western Energy Imbalance Market.
NV Energy had a smooth integration into the Western Energy Imbalance Market (EIM), CAISO said.
CAISO told FERC that its software’s inability to recognize available balancing capacity was creating false scarcity in the market.
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