offer floor
PJM announced it will seek to establish a $325/MW-day price cap on capacity prices and a $175/MW-day floor for the 2026/27 and 2027/28 Base Residual Auctions following discussions with Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro to resolve a complaint he filed over increased capacity costs.
FERC established a paper hearing to explore the justness and reasonableness of ISO-NE’s new-entrant rules for its Forward Capacity Market.
ERCOT staff warned that forward energy markets indicate high prices this summer, which could lead to unexpected increases in credit obligations.
ERCOT staff and stakeholders began the process of implementing real-time co-optimization with the first meeting of the Real-Time Co-Optimization Task Force.
Critics of a proposal to lower the CAISO energy market bid floor questioned its efficacy in solving the ISO’s increasing intervals of oversupply.
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