Offshore Wind (OSW)
A Washington lawmaker has introduced a bill to authorize a study to gauge the ecological impacts of offshore wind projects along the state’s coastline.
A coalition of offshore wind opponents sued to overturn federal approval of the South Fork Wind and Revolution Wind projects.
Delaying the solicitation “is crucial to encourage the most cost-effective bids for the benefit of Massachusetts ratepayers,” the Department of Energy Resources wrote.
The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities rejected one grid-scale solar project and supported another, as well as laying the ground work for its fourth offshore wind solicitation.
Delaware's environmental agency has proposed an offshore wind procurement strategy for the state.
Clean energy in New Jersey moved forward in 2023 with community solar and Advanced Clean Cars II, and in reverse with the shutdown of the Ocean Wind offshore development.
Vineyard Wind 1 generated its first power for New England, sending about 5 MW of electricity to the grid via its interconnection point on Cape Cod.
Equinor and bp have terminated the offtake agreement with New York for the Empire Wind 2 project.
The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities dismissed a citizen petition seeking to reassess the cost to ratepayers of Atlantic Shores, the state's sole offshore wind project in active development.
A bill introduced by House Democrats would grant FERC numerous new authorities over interregional transmission in a bid to spur large projects and increase the flow of renewable energy across state lines.
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