Offshore Wind (OSW)

NYSERDA: 3rd OSW Solicitation Breaks Record
New York said its latest offshore wind solicitation drew more than 100 proposals from six developers for eight new projects — a record level of response.
Multiple Projects Offered in 3rd NY OSW Solicitation
NYSERDA did not release details on the submissions for New York state’s third offshore wind solicitation, but least some of the would-be developers are known.
Stanford University
Panel Sees Vital Role for California Offshore Wind
More than 500 people tuned into a webinar on the future of offshore wind in California hosted by the state's Department of Natural Resources.
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New England States Group Up To Push For Federal Transmission Funding
The New England states united to seek federal funding to strengthen the region’s transmission to accommodate power from offshore wind projects and Canada.
Ben Schumin, CC BY-SA-2.0, via Wikimedia
Beacon Wind Draws Public Support at Power Line Hearing
Beacon Wind I drew unanimous public support during public hearings on the transmission line needed for the1,230-MW wind farm planned off the New York coast.
NREL Report Lays Out OSW Road Map, Flags Potential Problems
A new NREL report lays out a path for the U.S. to follow as it builds a network of OSW turbines and presents it as an opportunity to create an entire industry.
Financial Concerns Continue for Major Northeast OSW Projects
Two major offshore wind power developers are warning again of economic problems with projects off the New York and New England coasts.
BOEM Rule Updates Aim to Streamline OSW Permitting
The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management announced plans to streamline permitting for offshore wind projects and reduce BOEM's role in safety enforcement.
NJ’s Aggressive Clean Energy Plans Face 2023 Challenges
New Jersey’s far-reaching OSW plans face challenges as the first project undergoes permit scrutiny and the state launches a third coastal wind solicitation.
NJ Extends Comment Period on 3rd OSW Solicitation
New Jersey has extended by two weeks the comment period on the plan to hold its third — and largest — offshore wind solicitation in early 2023.

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