Offshore Wind (OSW)
Offshore wind developers say the states that are driving project development need to lead on the transmission side by collaborating to build an offshore grid.
New York stakeholders are challenging a PJM rule change they say could hit them with some of the cost of New Jersey's transmission upgrades for offshore wind.
NYISO stakeholders urged "public policy" transmission upgrades upstate, downstate and along the Pennsylvania border during the ISO’s 60-day comment period.
Massachusetts regulators have rejected developers’ requests to pause the review of their power purchase agreements for two planned offshore wind projects.
Avangrid declared the Commonwealth Wind project is no longer financially viable, potentially delaying the effort to site wind power off Massachusetts' coast.
PJM and the NJBPU are considering how to avoid "free riders" in future uses of the RTO’s State Agreement Approach for public policy upgrades.
Dominion filed a settlement agreement proposing an alternative to the performance requirement ordered by the SCC for the Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind project.
Public Service Enterprise Group is mulling whether to remain a 25% partner with Ørsted in the Danish developer’s Ocean Wind 1 project in New Jersey.
New Jersey regulators voted to spend $1.07 billion on transmission upgrades to deliver 6,400 MW of offshore wind generation to the PJM grid.
The U.S. needs up to 58,000 full-time workers to meet the Biden administration’s goal of building 30 GW of offshore wind by 2030, NREL study says.
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