January 15, 2025

Offshore Wind (OSW)

BOEM Preps New Wind Leases off NYC
The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management this month issued a draft environmental assessment that evaluates potential impacts of offshore wind leases and related work before construction within nearly 800,000-acres of the New York Bight.
Feds Look at Fishery Habitat Protection for South Fork OSW Project
Federal regulators recommended the 132-MW South Fork offshore wind protect fishery habitat by reducing the number of planned turbine locations.
New Jersey EDA Approves Lease and Funding for Offshore Wind Hub
New Jersey is moving toward building a wind port that will serve as a construction and operational hub for offshore projects along the Mid-Atlantic coast.
Windpark Fryslan
Smaller Turbines, Custom Vessels Define Future of Great Lakes OSW
NYSERDA shared initial findings on Tuesday for its Great Lakes wind power feasibility study, which will be completed later this year or early next year.
Transmission Upgrades for PJM OSW, Renewables Could Cost $3.2 Billion
A PJM study said transmission upgrades could cost as much as $3.2 billion by 2035 to accommodate state renewable goals.
NECA Panel Discusses Highs and Lows of Offer Review Trigger Price Work
Panelists at a recent NECA webinar discussed the highs and lows of working to refine offer review trigger prices for offshore wind and storage resources.
Energy Storage Leads Conversation During NECEC’s Annual Legislative Roundup
The New England Clean Energy Council’s annual legislative roundup focused on the energy storage legislation passed by several state legislatures this year.
PSEG Close to Fossil Asset Sale
PSEG said it expects to be out of the fossil fuel business by the first quarter of next year and is considering investing in another offshore wind project.
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Eversource Focuses on Connecticut amid Appeal of Penalties
Eversource says improving its relationship with Connecticut policymakers and ratepayers is a “top priority” even as it appeals a state-imposed penalty.
California Needs New Transmission for 100% Clean Energy
The West needs new transmission near term and far more in the long term for California to meets its goal to provide customers with 100% clean energy.

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