Paris Agreement

Biden Commits US to Cutting GHG Emissions 50% by 2030
President Biden recommitted the U.S. to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions under the Paris Agreement, upping its target to 50% from 2005 levels by 2030.
Rich Countries Must Forge Green Path, Econ Chiefs Say
Wealthy countries must act at home to counter climate change while boosting the ability of developing countries to do the same, top economic officials said.
Global Energy Transition Needs Speed, Worker Safeguards
Speed and fairness must be watchwords of the global energy transition, said experts gathered in advance of the UN Climate Change Conference.
PPL Close to UK Sale, Ramping up Investments
PPL officials are looking for the sale of its U.K. utility to help fund billions of dollars in clean energy and infrastructure investments in the U.S.
Drop in GHG Emissions Illusory, Advocates Warn
U.S. greenhouse gas emissions dropped by 9% in 2020, but experts say a repeat performance is unlikely.
Paris GHG Targets not Ambitious Enough, Study Says
The Paris Agreement target of cutting carbon emissions by 1% annually should be increased to 1.8%, according to a University of Washington study.
Biden Begins Undoing Trump’s Legacy
President Biden immediately began to reverse the Trump administration’s energy and environmental policies, including rejoining the Paris Agreement.
COVID, Climate Change Shaped 2020
Amidst a global pandemic and worsening natural disasters, the U.S. held an election that will determine the future of climate policy.
State Decarbonization not on Track, Study Says
States that have set goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions have yet to implement sufficient policies to meet their pledges, an EDF said.
GOP Senate May Limit Biden Climate Ambitions
A GOP-controlled Senate means President-elect Biden's ability to include incentives for renewables in a recovery package will be limited.

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