
Senate ENR Committee
Members of Congress Debate Transmission Permitting
Congress has been talking about changing permitting laws this year, but its still unclear whether the two parties will be able to strike a deal.
Calif. Legislature Approves Key Infrastructure Bills

California lawmakers OK’d Gov. Newsom’s package of infrastructure bills to speed clean energy development, sending the measures to Newsom for his signature.

Calif. Governor, Lawmakers Agree on Infrastructure Bills
California Gov. Gavin Newsom and legislative leaders reached a budget deal that includes most of Newsom's controversial energy infrastructure bills.
Lawmakers, White House Promise More Work on Permitting After Debt Deal
Debt deal limits page counts and time on environmental reviews under the National Environmental Policy Act, but other work remains, and frustrations surface.
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California Bill to Speed Transmission Development Passes State Senate
The bill to accelerate development of new transmission lines passed the state Senate on a vote of 36-0 and is now headed for the lower house.
Speaker Kevin McCarthy
Debt Ceiling Bill Provides ‘Mini-deal’ on Permitting
A debt ceiling compromise reached by President Biden and House Speaker McCarthy would cut NEPA review times but would not roll back IRA climate provisions.
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Overheard at USEA’s 2023 Public Policy Forum
The United States Energy Association saw a change of leadership and heard from speakers on the transition to clean energy at its annual meeting.
California Governor's Office
Newsom Stresses Role of Permitting in California Energy Transition
California Gov. Gavin Newsom has bold words for transitioning to clean energy, including on permitting, but his plan lacks some specifics.
Senate EPW Committee
Carper Throws Progressive Bill into Senate Permitting Debate
Sen. Tom Carper's PEER Act would expand FERC’s permitting role; Republican bills have opposed the move.
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Podesta Lays Out Biden’s Priorities for ‘Permitting Reform’
Biden may not agree with all provisions in Sen. Manchin’s permitting bill, but he will support it to start negotiations in the Senate, a key adviser said.

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