PJM Critical Issue Fast Path (CIFP)
PJM presented its CIFP proposal to overhaul the capacity market, with the new addition of a seasonal capacity model.
PJM officials and stakeholders told FERC they oppose abandoning the RTO’s capacity market but disagree over the degree to which it needs to be changed.
PJM wrapped up the second phase of its critical issue fast path process to address RA concerns with two meetings on proposed changes to the capacity market.
PJM is weeks away from the scheduled date for the 2025/26 Base Residual Auction without an order from FERC on whether it will be permitted to delay the auction.
PJM offered a series of suggestions for how it could overhaul its capacity market in the wake of widespread resource failures during last December's winter storm.
The PJM Members Committee approved a proposal that would sharply reduce the penalties generators pay for underperforming during emergency conditions.
The MRC endorsed a proposal to reduce penalties for generators that don’t meet their capacity obligations during performance assessment intervals.
Stakeholders continued to refine proposals to overhaul PJM’s capacity market through the second phase of the RTO’s critical issue fast path process.
The PJM Markets and Reliability Committee on Wednesday endorsed a new renewable dispatch structure proposed by the RTO and the Independent Market Monitor.
PJM presented a draft proposal to delay the next four Base Residual Auctions to the Members Committee during a special meeting.
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