January 22, 2025

PJM Industrial Customer Coalition (ICC)

FERC Questions May Delay New DR Rules
PJM’s plan to implement new demand response rules in time for the May capacity auction are in doubt following a FERC order requiring the RTO to provide more information to support its proposal.
MIC OKs Manual Changes Over DR Protests
PJM members endorsed rules describing when economic demand response is eligible for compensation, over the objections of some demand response providers, who said they are unfair.
Transmission Owners Assert Jurisdiction on Methodology Issue
PJM Transmission owners said they will address transparency concerns over their load calculations, but insisted the issue be resolved by their committee rather than in the MRC.
Demand Response Changes Could Cost $1B Annually
PJM’s proposed changes to the deployment of demand response could cost consumers billions, members said last week as the RTO and generators squared off against load-serving entities and industrial customers.
FERC Demand Response Standards Leave Industrials, Bowring Unhappy
By Rich Heidorn Jr. PJM Insider WASHINGTON, D.C. (Feb. 22, 2013) – The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission yesterday enacted new standards for measuring de...

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