public policy transmission need (PPTN)
A NYISO subcommittee voted to recommend the approval of report results for the ISO's preferred Propel NY Energy project.
Lucas Braun, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia
NYISO’s Business Issues Committee recommended that the Management Committee votes to recommend approval of the draft Long Island PPTN report.
NYISO staff selected a proposal by Propel NY Energy to meet the ISO’s Long Island Public Policy Transmission Needs solicitation for transmission lines.
NYISO stakeholders learned how the ISO assessed the seven transmission projects chosen from the Public Policy Transmission Need solicitation for Long Island.
NYISO updated subcommittee members on a phased window approach to its generator interconnection queue to potentially replace the current process.
NYPSC won praise for its implementation of a law to speed up transmission development, but parties said much work remains in order to meet clean energy goals.
New York TOs proposed tariff amendments that would clarify their ability to exercise a ROFR for public policy transmission network upgrade facility upgrades.
NYISO stakeholders urged "public policy" transmission upgrades upstate, downstate and along the Pennsylvania border during the ISO’s 60-day comment period.
NYISO will have to add zero-emission generation and transmission at an unprecedented pace to meet New York's climate goals, according to a new study.
Stakeholders urged regulators to defer approval, outright reject or refer to NYISO’s public policy tx planning process Con Ed’s proposal for a new substation.
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