Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI)
The NJ Senate voted to codify the state's goal of 50% renewable power by 2030 to ensure it remains in place if Gov. Phil Murphy isn't reelected in November.
A North Carolina environmental panel approved a plan to join the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative while GOP legislators in Pennsylvania sought to block such a move.
New Jersey has launched an online dashboard that gives residents a clearer look at how the state spends the money it receives from the RGGI.
The Pennsylvania DEP published a rulemaking requiring fossil fuel generators to obtain emission allowances under the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative.
Republicans in Maine have sponsored a bill that gives the legislature last say in whether the state joins RGGI.
New York agencies hosted a technical conference on ways to advance commercial, industrial, and community solar development.
Two bills would move North Carolina toward reaching net zero by 2050, a third would repeal the state's Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard.
Environmental advocates say North Carolina's upcoming decision on joining the RGGI could be critical to its efforts to cut carbon emissions 70% by 2030.
Virginia lawmakers have approved legislation to tighten vehicle emission standards and promote electric vehicles.
A Maryland House committee approved legislation to increase the state’s 2030 greenhouse gas reduction target to 50% from 2006 levels.
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