Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI)

Analyses Show Flat Emissions Under NY Carbon Price
New York electricity market stakeholders reviewed three separate studies to evaluate the implications of a carbon charge in NYISO’s energy markets.
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PJM Flexible on Capacity Rules, Ott Tells OPSI Meeting
The annual meeting of the Organization of PJM States Inc. (OPSI) in Chicago featured lively discussions about the RTO's proposed capacity market revamp.
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NY Task Force Examines Carbon Pricing Impacts
The NYISO / NY DPS IPPTF learned that New York’s adoption of carbon pricing will likely increase the state’s wholesale energy prices and decrease prices for zero-emission credits.
UK Dept. for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy
NY Task Force Takes on Carbon Pricing Mechanics
How should New York set carbon prices - and who should be tasked with doing it? Those are questions the state's Integrating Public Policy Task Force have begun to tackle in its effort to integrate carbon pricing into NYISO's market.
ISO-NE Study Finds Wind ‘Spillage,’ Price Separation
ISO-NE could see substantial “spillage” of renewable energy and large price separations under scenarios considered in the RTO’s 2017 Economic Study.
NY Task Force Debates Carbon Pricing Models
New York’s Integrating Public Policy Task Force (IPPTF) debated proposals for carbon pricing from the Long Island Power Authority and National Grid.
EBA Panelists Discuss Carbon Policy, Renewables Integration
Two panels at the Energy Bar Association’s Mid-Year Energy Forum offered views of the future: one for coal, and one for intermittent sources.
Potomac Economics
RGGI States Agree to Increased Emission Reductions
The nine states comprising RGGI have agreed to accelerate reductions in emissions by lowering the annual allowances by 30% over 10 years.
Commenters Seek Broader Response on Millstone
Connecticut regulators got an earful at a public comment session on the future of Dominion Energy’s Millstone nuclear plant.
Massachusetts Tightens GHG Limits for Generators
Massachusetts regulators have issued stricter limits on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the state’s fossil fuel power plants.

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