December 19, 2024

reliability-must-run (RMR) agreements

© RTO Insider
CPUC Retires Diablo Canyon, Replaces Calpine RMRs
The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) issued several decisions that will affect the state’s energy resource mix and markets.
CPUC Targets CAISO’s Calpine RMRs
The California PUC (CPUC) will vote on a proposal to replace reliability-must-run contracts between CAISO and Calpine.
NYISO Seeks FERC Denial on Indian Point Review Deadline
NYISO asked FERC to deny the Entergy request that the commission clarify the deadline for Indian Point's market power review.
FERC Orders Hearing, Settlement Talks for Calpine RMRs
FERC ordered hearing and settlement procedures in a dispute over reliability-must-run agreements filed by Calpine for generators in CAISO.
Entergy Asks FERC to Clarify Indian Point Retirement Process
Entergy asked FERC to clarify the deadline for NYISO to complete a final market power review for the deactivation of the Indian Point nuclear plant.
CPUC Targets Wildfires, Multifamily Solar, RMRs
California regulators have approved new measures aimed at the prevention of wildfires, as utilities face growing scrutiny.
ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee Briefs
ERCOT’s Technical Advisory Committee endorsed two previously tabled nodal protocol revision requests following lengthy discussions.
FERC Grants NYISO RMR Compliance Extension
FERC approved NYISO’s request for a 30-day extension for submitting additional reliability-must-run (RMR) tariff revisions.
PGE, CAISO Protest Calpine RMR Terms
CAISO and PG&E are opposing the terms of a reliability-must-run (RMR) agreement for 2 California natural gas-fired plants that Calpine submitted with FERC.
California Utilities Short on Local RA Capacity
A CAISO report suggests that California’s utilities are about 2,000 MW short of the capacity needed to comply with 2018 local resource adequacy requirements

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