renewable portfolio standard (RPS)
The Energy Bar Association Mid-Year Forum included discussions of subsidies and the Energy Department's proposed grid resiliency pricing rule.
CAISO expanded the scope of its annual Stakeholder Symposium by inviting representatives of California's oil and agriculture industries.
At the CAISO Stakeholder Symposium, the Board of Governors and a panel of Western state regulators discussed what the grid of the future will look like.
It’s time to focus on building individual renewable energy projects in NY, speakers said at the Alliance for Clean Energy New York’s 11th Fall Conference.
After a second full review of the 2011 slate of multi-value transmission projects, MISO has concluded that benefits outpace rising project costs.
New York state’s renewable procurement, New York City’s carbon reduction plan and offshore wind were among the topics at the 32nd IPPNY Fall Conference.
Legislature ended its 2017 session, drawing criticism for its pursuit of CAISO regionalization and for letting a 100% clean energy bill die in committee.
California legislation that would regionalize CAISO and mandate 100% zero-carbon retail electricity sales statewide by 2045 will not pass this year.
Kevin McIntyre brought little comfort to Republican senators seeking assurances that the commission would look into shoring up uneconomic coal plants.
A California State Assembly committee advanced a Senate bill requiring publicly owned utilities in the Los Angeles Basin to support DER and energy storage.
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