renewable portfolio standard (RPS)
Massachusetts regulators have issued stricter limits on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the state’s fossil fuel power plants.
New York developers are finding it easier to invest in the state now that it is providing more predictability around clean energy procurement.
ISO-NE advanced the idea of excluding competitive new resources from functioning as demand in a proposed “substitution” capacity auction.
Keith Powers is making solar power a major part of his platform in his bid for a New York City Council seat.
CAISO is moving ahead with an effort to create new tools to deal with the variable output from the increasing amount of renewable generation on its grid.
MISO regulators gathered to discuss how the electricity sector will accommodate the growth of distributed energy resources within the RTO’s footprint.
Industry representatives and state regulators gave an overview of the changing landscape at the NARUC Summer Policy Summit.
A California Senate bill that would require utilities to obtain all their electricity from zero-carbon sources advanced through a key committee.
As CEO of the Independent Energy Producers Association, Jan Smutny-Jones has had a front-row seat in the California energy debate since 1987.
The D.C. Circuit upheld a Connecticut law that requires utilities to enter into contracts with renewable energy facilities.
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