March 10, 2025

renewable portfolio standard (RPS)

Calif. Bill Would Introduce ‘Clean Peak Energy Standard’
A California bill introduced in the State Assembly would require utilities to meet increased demand with clean peak resources.
Board Approves CAISO Small TO Generator Interconnection Plan
The CAISO Board approved a generator interconnection plan designed to prevent smaller transmission owners from footing the costs for network upgrades.
Supporters Seek to Overturn Md. Governor’s Increased RPS Veto
Sponsors of a bill to increase the Maryland renewable portfolio standard called for the General Assembly to override Gov. Larry Hogan’s veto.
California Tx Policy Must Foster Resource Diversity, Report Shows
California will require improved transmission access to renewable resources to meet its environmental targets, according to a new report from the Energy Commission.
DTE Energy
Michigan Energy Bill Preserves RPS, 10% Retail Choice Cap
Following a dramatic all-night session, Michigan lawmakers approved legislation that increases the state’s renewable portfolio standard and preserves its limited retail choice.
Overheard at the ISO-NE Consumer Liaison Group Meeting
New England appears poised to withstand another winter of tight natural gas supplies, an RTO official told the ISO-NE Consumer Liaison Group meeting.
Illinois Lawmakers Clear Nuke Subsidy
Illinois legislators on Thursday approved a bill to keep the Exelon Clinton and Quad Cities nuclear power plants operating for another decade.
Michigan Senate Increases RPS; Keeps 10% Retail Choice Cap
The Michigan Senate approved legislation that would increase the renewable portfolio standard while maintaining the 10% cap on retail choice.
Briefing on ISO-NE Study Focuses on Energy Revenues, Storage, RPS
The latest ISO-NE briefing on its ongoing economic study focused on the shortfall of energy market revenues, prospects for storage and meeting RPS goals.
N.E. Roundtable Considers Carbon Pricing, State PPAs
The New England Restructuring Roundtable included discussions of a market design that could include carbon pricing and a two-tiered capacity market.

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