September 29, 2024

resource adequacy requirement (RAR)

CAISO Discusses Year-ahead Requirements for RA Program

CAISO staff and stakeholders again dove into the details of the ISO’s resource adequacy construct, including potentially creating year-ahead requirements and refining the existing capacity procurement mechanism.

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‘Therapy Session’: SPP REAL Team Reviews Draft LOLE Study
SPP REAL Team members conducted a “therapy session” in forming a consensus position around its schedule and priorities for 2024.
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SPP Markets and Operations Policy Committee Briefs: July 10-11, 2023

SPP stakeholders endorsed a tariff revision request that adds a winter resource adequacy requirement for load-responsible entities bound by the grid operator’s recent planning reserve margin increase.

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FERC Approves SPP’s Resource Adequacy Changes
FERC has approved SPP tariff revisions of resource adequacy requirements that would provide LREs with an alternative approach to deficiency payments.
SPP Board/Members Committee Briefs: Jan. 31, 2023
SPP’s Board and Members Committee have approved two resource adequacy revision requests, ending a last-minute dash to gain stakeholder approval.
SPP MOPC Approves Late Resource Adequacy Revisions
SPP’s MOPC approved two revision requests related to resource adequacy requirements that members had set aside during its meeting earlier this month.
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MISO Moves to Restrict Emergency Commitments
MISO has proposed prohibiting some resources from using an emergency commitment status in its markets in order to have wider access to its committed capacity.
Public Service Co. of Oklahoma
3rd Time’s a Charm for SPP Resource Adequacy Proposal
FERC approved Tariff revisions that will finally allow the Southwest Power Pool to implement a resource adequacy requirement.
SPP Stakeholders Still Struggling on BTM Reporting
SPP’s Markets and Operations Policy Committee continued to hash through the difficulties of reporting behind-the-meter load.
FERC Again Rejects SPP’s Resource Adequacy Revision
FERC rejected SPP’s proposed Tariff revisions requiring load-responsible entities (LREs) to maintain sufficient capacity and planning reserves.

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