resource sufficiency evaluation (RSE)

WEIM Q3 Prices Down Despite Increased Loads, CAISO DMM Finds
Prices in CAISO’s WEIM fell sharply in the third quarter of 2024 compared with a year earlier as declining gas costs outweighed the impact of increased summer loads, the DMM found.
WEIM Wins FERC OK for Resource Sufficiency Changes
FERC approved changes to WEIM's resource sufficiency evaluation, including allowing transfers to members that fail to meet their RSE obligations.
CAISO Revises Policy Roadmap to Highlight Priorities
CAISO revamped its policy initiatives roadmap to reflect its to top strategic goals including ensuring resource adequacy and expanding its Western market role.
Southern California Edison
CAISO, WEIM Boards Back Reliability Enhancements
The CAISO Board of Governors and Western Energy Imbalance Market Governing Body adopted resource sufficiency and storage changes to promote summer reliability.
PacifiCorp to Join EDAM, Final Plan Released
CAISO issued its final plan to add a day-ahead market to its real-time Energy Imbalance Market, and PacifiCorp said it would join if the plan is approved.
CAISO Finalizing Plan for WEIM EDAM
CAISO's draft final proposal for a day-ahead expansion of its Western Energy Imbalance Market is up for review this month, with a final plan due in December.
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CAISO Stakeholders Weigh EDAM Proposal
CAISO stakeholders commented on elements of the revised straw proposal to add an extended day-ahead market to the Western Energy Imbalance Market.
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CAISO Updates EDAM Straw Proposal
CAISO's revised plan for a WEIM extended day-ahead market makes changes to transmission requirements and penalties for failing resource sufficiency evaluations.
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CAISO Tackles EDAM Design in Stakeholder Meeting
A two-day CAISO stakeholder meeting on the proposed day-ahead extension of the Western EIM focused on resource sufficiency and transmission.
CAISO, WEIM Adopt Resource Sufficiency Changes
CAISO's Board of Governors and the Western Energy Imbalance Governing Body adopted changes to WEIM's resource sufficiency evaluation for market participants.

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